Mix and match to get just what you need

per block

Tumor & normal blocks

Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor tissue, normal tissue, and various matched sets.

per ml

Oncology plasma set

Plasma and buffy coat collected in Streck or EDTA tubes, double-spun and immediately frozen.

per ml

Healthy plasma set

Plasma and buffy coat collected in Streck or EDTA tubes, double-spun and immediately frozen.


Want to see what we have on hand?

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If you need something besides what we have in stock, let us know! We will get back to you within 1 business day with an availability estimate.


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Try a block

Not quite ready to commit? We get it.

Try a block

Let us ship you a block of your choice at no cost so you can see how it performs in your lab.

Reference Medicine slide and block in packaging